Daniel Sulitzer, DO

    Dr. Daniel Sulitzer has lived in California, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, and Paris. More recently, he spent about half of his fourth year of medical school living and rotating in Roseburg as part of his medical school training. Prior to attending medical school, Dr. Sulitzer studied history at the University of California – Berkeley and then took pre-medicine courses at the University of Oregon in Eugene. He completed his medical education training at Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine at New Mexico State University in 2021. He looks forward to caring for new patients at Aviva Health.

    In his free time, Dr. Sulitzer enjoys playing sports including ice hockey and soccer, working out, traveling, visiting the Oregon coast, and taking trips up to Crater Lake. He and his wife enjoy walking, hiking local trails, and visiting local waterfalls with their Husky dog.

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