A Lifestyle You Will Love

Maintaining wellness during the Advanced Practice Provider Residency training can seem like a challenge. APP Residency program is dedicated to helping our residents maintain a healthy lifestyle, work-life balance, and enjoy residency training in Roseburg, Oregon. With APP Resident wellness in mind, several inspired activities that promote wellness have been built right into our program; see how we hope to incorporate wellness into your residency training:

Blue Zones

Blue Zones

Blue Zones Project® is a community-wide well-being improvement initiative to help make healthy choices easier for our Douglas County residents.

In support of Oregon’s Healthiest State initiative, Blue Zones Project® encourages changes to our community that lead to healthier options. By bringing residents, worksites, schools, restaurants, grocery stores, and government together, Blue Zones Project® will inspire a community movement that has the power to improve the quality of life for everyone.

What began as a New York Times bestseller by National Geographic Fellow Dan Buettner has evolved into a global movement; leading to a program that helps us live longer, healthier, and happier lives. From Sardinia, Italy, to Okinawa, Japan, to Loma Linda, California, people are living vibrant, active lives well into their hundreds. Buettner calls these areas “Blue Zones” and they’re the inspiration behind his book, The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who’ve Lived the Longest.

We are proud to have Blue Zones Project – Umpqua right here in our community. The majority of resident wellness is about taking care of ourselves, how to prevent burnout and increase resiliency. Starting with yourself is a great first step, which is why we feel being involved in the community and community initiatives such as the Blue Zones Project® are great opportunities for our residents; improving quality of life for our residents and offering ways they can improve the lives of their patients.

To learn more about local Blue Zones Project – Umpqua initiatives, visit

Resident Retreat

Resident Retreat

Annual retreat for APP Residents and their families; encourages healthy relationships with an emphasis on our family/support at home and the importance of maintaining those relationships.

Time for Personal Wellness

Time for Personal Wellness

As part of the Aviva Health Benefits package, APP Residents are provided paid time off throughout the academic year and are encouraged to use these days. We believe personal wellness, family relationships, and work-life balance are vital to the success of APP Residents.

Watch Juliete Palenshus' Tedx talk on Creating a Culture of Well-being!

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