The Birth of a Child … and a ‘Powerful Mama’

Kristen Orrison, in labor with her second daughter, was on the precipice of giving up. Physically and emotionally exhausted, she was scared that it was time to push. Kristen had seemingly reached her limit.

Her midwife, Umpqua Community Health Center’s Kirstin Carhart, having guided Kristen through her first pregnancy and delivery, took hold of the young mother’s hand.

“Hey, hey, hey,” Kirstin cajoled as she recalled Kristen’s first delivery. “[Pushing] is the part you love, remember?”

For Kristen, more comforting words could not have been spoken. So she did – she pushed. Soon thereafter, she and her husband Kolby welcomed Lucy to the world, officially making older daughter Scarlet a proud big sister.

“I like to joke that I got pregnant the second time because I missed her,” Kristen recalls of her midwife. “She feels more like family than anything and has always made me feel so loved.”

For Kirstin, having a baby is just one part of the experience for women like Kristen.

“When you watch girls go through labor and delivery, it’s not only about having a child,” she says. “It’s about these girls realizing they have a power they never knew they had before – it’s amazing because it’s not just the birth of a child, it’s also the birth of a powerful mama.”

Kirstin was there through the whole process for both of Kristen’s children.

“I know some doctors just show up when it’s time to push,” Kristen says. “Kirstin was there for my labor, walking me through each contraction and talking me through my fears and doubts.”

The experience – every labor and delivery experience – is special for Kirstin as a midwife.

“I get to witness girls like Kristen find their inner resolve and fight through extreme adversity to come through the birth process,” she says. “Kristen came out of this as a stronger, more powerful person, and I am humbled to have watched it.”

According to Kristen, it was her midwife who helped her find that inner power.

“She helped me find the confidence in myself that I needed to have a natural birth,” Kristen says. “I will always be thankful for her unending encouragement and support and for delivering my two healthy girls.”

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